1. B. Jordan, D. Esser, J. Kim, B. Y. Cho, R. J. Webster III and A. Kuntz, “Exploring Modal Switch in Metamaterial-Based Robots,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024.

  2. E. McCabe, M. Rox, M. Emerson, T. E. Ertop, I. Fried, M. Fu, J. Hoelscher, F. Maldonado, E. A. Gillaspie, J. Akulian, Y. Z. Lee, A. Kuntz, R. Alterovitz, and R. J. Webster III, "In Vivo Demonstration of a Bevel Tip Steerable Needle with an Integrated Fluid Channel," In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2024.

  3. D. Esser, T. E. Ertop, E. McCabe, F. Maldonado, E. Gillaspie, A.Kuntz, and R. J. Webster, III, "A Continuum Lung Stapler Leveraging Phase Changing Metal for Dexterity and Stiffness", In The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2024.

  4. J. E. Peters, D. S. Esser, A. M. Grillo, N. S. Kumar, R. J. Webster III, and E. J. Barth, “Toward In-Scanner Transforamenal Epilepsy Interventions: A Compact MR-Safe Concentric Tube Actuation System.” In The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2024.

  5. E. McCabe, D. S. Esser, T. E. Ertop, A. Kuntz, and R. J. Webster III, "Combining Thermoelectrics and Low Melting Point Alloys to Create Reconfigurable Stiff-Compliant Manipulators," In 7th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics, 2024.

  6. D. S. Esser, E. McCabe, T. E. Ertop, A. Kuntz, and R. J. Webster III, "Directional Stiffness-Switching Soft Robots via Phase-Changing Metallic Spines," In 7th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics, 2024.

  7. J. A. Shrand, J. F. d’Almeida, E. Wilke, A. Reed, N.L. Kavoussi, S. D. Herrell III, T. E. Ertop, and R. J. Webster III, "Enhancing Accuracy in Transendoscopic Concentric Tube Robots for Monocular Endoscope Guidance," In International Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2024.

  8. K.T. Dang, S. Qui, C. Hatch, P. Connor, T. Qin, R. Alterovitz, R.J. Webster III, and C. Rucker, “Design of Transmission Tubes for Surgical Push-Pull Robots”, In International Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2024.

  9. E. Wilke, J. F. d’Almeida, J. A. Shrand, T. E. Ertop, N. L. Kavoussi, A. Reed, D. Herrell S. III, and R. J. Webster III, “A Comparison of Onboard and Offboard User Interfaces for Handheld Robots”, in SPIE Medical Imaging, 2024.

  10. P. C. Cannon, S. A. Setia, N. L. Kavoussi, S. D. Herrell III, and R. J. Webster III, “How Insights from In Vivo Human Pilot Studies with da Vinci Image Guidance are Informing Next Generation System Design,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2023. (Refereed)

  11. T. Qin, P. Connor, K. Dang, R. Alterovitz, R. J. Webster III, and C. Rucker, “Computational Analysis of Design Parameters for a Bimanual Concentric Push-Pull Robot,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2023. (Refereed)

  12. A. M. Grillo, J. E. Peters, D. S. Esser, S. J. Garrow, T. Ball, R. Naftel, D. J. Englot, J. Neimat, W. A. Grissom, E. J. Barth, and R. J. Webster, III, “Design Considerations for Robotic, MRI-Guided, Trans-Foramen Ovale Access to the Brain,” In Medical Imaging 2023: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, vol. 12466, SPIE, 2023. (Refereed in 4 Page Version)

  13. J. A. Shrand, J. F. d’Almeida, T. E. Ertop, N. L. Kavoussi, S. A. Setia, D. Herrell S. III, and R. J. Webster III, “A Virtual Reality Framework for Evaluating Concentric Tube Surgical Robot Designs,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2023. (Refereed in 4 Page Version)

  14. M. E. Smith, D. S. Esser, M. Rox, A. Kuntz, and R. J. Webster, III, “A Radial Folding Mechanism To Enable Surgical Continuum Manipulators to Fit Through Smaller Ports,” In International Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2023. (Refereed)

  15. J. E. Peters, A. M. Grillo, D. S. Esser, S. J. Garrow, N. S. Kumar, T. Ball, R. Naftel, D. J. Englot, J. Neimat, W. A. Grissom, and R. J. Wester III, “A Highly Compact, Multi-Material, Fluid Powered Actuation System for MRI-Guided Surgical Intervention,” Fluid Power Systems Technology, 87431. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023. (Refereed)

  16. A. N. Florea, D. S. Ropella, E. Amanov, D. S. Herrell, and R. J. Webster III, “Design of a Modular, Multi-Arm Concentric Tube Robot Featuring Roller Gears,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2022, vol. 12034. (Refereed as 4 page extended abstract)

  17. J. F. d’Almeida, M. Rox, and R. J. Webster III, “Toward Bipolar Electrosurgery with Concentric Tube Robots,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2022. (Referreed)

  18. M. Rox, A. Copinga, R. Naftel, R. J. Webster III, and A. Kuntz, “Optimizing Continuum Robot Tendon Routing for Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2022. (Refereed)

  19. T. E. Ertop, J. F. d’Almeida, E. Amanov, J. Shrand, N. Nimmagadda, S. Setia, N. L. Kavoussi, S.D. Herrell III, and R. J. Webster III, “Towards Suturing From Within the Urethra Using Concentric Tube Robots: First Experiences in Biological Tissues,” In International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), 2022. (Refereed)

  20. D. S. Esser, J. E. Peters, A. M. Grillo, S. J. Garrow, T. Ball, R. Naftel, D. J. Englot, W. A. Grissom, E.J. Barth, and R. J. Webster III, “Robotic Curvilinear Laser Thermal Therapy Probe for Transforamenal Hippocampotomy,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2022. (Refereed)

  21. P. C. Cannon, M. R. Smetak, R. J. Webster III, and R. F. Labadie, “A Novel Tool for Auricle Retraction During Closure of Post-Auricular Incisions,” In Design of Medical Devices, 2022. (Refereed)

  22. J. Hoelscher, I. Fried, M. Fu, M. Patwardhan, M. Christman, J. Akulian, R. J. Webster III, R. Alterovitz, “A Metric for Finding Robust Start Positions for Medical Steerable Needle Automation,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2022. (Refereed)

  23. J. B. Gafford, S. J. Webster, P. A. Anderson, S. D. Herrell, K. L. Obstein, D. C. Rucker, and R. J. Webster III, “Answering the FDA’s Call to Action: Using Steerable Sheaths and Mirrors to Prevent ERCP Infections,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2022. (Refereed)

  24. R. J. Hendrick, N. P. Dillon, L. M. Branscombe, T. J. Bruns, E. J. Blum, M. Oresi, S. Amack, S. D. Herrell III, and R. J. Webster III, “The Virtuoso Surgical System: First Live Animal Experience,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2022. (Refereed)

  25. N. Nimmagadda, J. B. Gafford, P. Anderson, S. Webster, N. L. Kavoussi, R. J. Webster III, and S.D. Herrell III, “Utility of a Steerable Inner Sheath for Flexible Ureteroscopy: A Preliminary Bench-Top Investigation,” In Engineering and Urology Surgery Annual Meeting, 2022. (Referred as 1 page Abstract)

  26. J. A. Shrand, J. M. Ferguson, P. C. Cannon, N. Nimmagadda, S. Setia, N. L. Kavoussi, R. J. Webster III, S. D. Herrell, “A Visual Guide Improves Pointing Accuracy in Image-Guided Robotic Surgery,” In Engineering and Urology Surgery Annual Meeting, 2022. (Referred as 1 page Abstract)

  27. M. Emerson, J. Ferguson, T. Efe Ertop, M. Rox, J. Granna, M. Lester, F. Maldonado, E. A.Gillaspie, R. J. Webster III, and A. Kuntz, “A Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Orientation Estimation for Needle Steering,” in International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, 2021. (Refereed based on 4 page extended abstract, acceptance rate unknown).

  28. J. Kim, J. M. Ferguson, J. A. Shrand, E. B. Pitt, J. Granna, N. Mimmagadda, N. L. Kavoussi, S. D. Herrell III, and R. J. Webster III, “Integrating FireFly Fluorescence into Image Guidance for the da Vinci Robot,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2021. (Refereed based on 4 page extended abstract, acceptance rate unknown). BEST STUDENT PAPER FINALIST.

  29. I. Fried, J. Hoelscher, M. Fu, M. Emerson, T. E. Ertop, M. Rox, J. Granna, A. Kuntz, J. A. Akulian, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “Design Considerations for a Steerable Needle Robot to Maximize Reachable Lung Volume,” In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1418-1425, 2021.

  30. T. E. Ertop, M. Emerson, M. Rox, J. Granna, F. Maldonado, E. Gillaspie, M. Lester, A. Kuntz, C. Rucker, M. Fu, J. Hoelscher, I. Fried, R. Alterovitz, and R. J. Webster, III, “Steerable Needle Trajectory Following In The Lung: Torsional Deadband Compensation And Full Pose Estimation With 5DOF Feedback For Needles Passing Through Flexible Endoscopes”, in ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2020. Best Student Paper Finalist

  31. M. Siebold, J. Ferguson, B. Pitt, N. Kavoussi, N. Nimmagadda, S. D. Herrell, and R. J. Webster III, “Choosing Statistically Safe, Variable-Thickness Margins in Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy,” In International Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2020.

  32. M. Vu, R. A. Banalagay, D. Zhang, A. Rivas, L. Fichera, R. J. Webster III, R. F. Labadie, and J. H. Noble, “Analysis of Middle Ear Morphology for Design of a Transnasal Endoscope,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2019.

  33. S. R. Amack, M. F. Rox, J. E. Mitchell, T. E. Ertop, M. Emerson, A. Kuntz, F. Maldonado, J. Akulian, J. B. Gafford, R. Alterovitz, and R. J. Webster III, “Design and Control of a Compact, Modular Robot for Transbronchial Lung Biopsy,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 10951, 2019.

  34. N. Narasimhan, K. E. Riojas, T. L Bruns, J.E. Mitchell, R. J. Webster III, and R. F. Labadie, “A Simple Manual Roller Wheel Insertion Tool for Electrode Array Insertion in Minimally Invasive Cochlear Implant Surgery,” In Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2019.

  35. K. E. Riojas, N. Narasimhan, W. G.Morrel, J. E. Mitchell, T. L. Bruns, R. J. Webster III, and R.F. Labadie, “A New Manual Insertion Tool for Minimally Invasive, Image-Guided Cochlear Implant Surgery,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 10951, pages 122-128, 2019.

  36. P. L. Anderson, T. E. Ertop, A. Kuntz, F. Maldonado, R. Alterovitz, and R. J. Webster III, “Sand Blasting Inside a Patient: A CRISP Robot for Spraying Powder inside the Chest Cavity to Preclude Lung Collapse,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2018.

  37. M. Rox, K. Riojas, M. Emerson, K. Oliver-Butler, D. C. Rucker, and R. J. Webster III, “Luminal Robots Small Enough to Fit Through Endoscope Ports: Initial Tumor Resection Experiments in the Airways,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2018.

  38. M. Fu, A. Kuntz, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “Safe Motion Planning for Steerable Needles Using Cost Maps Automatically Extracted from Pulmonary Images,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 4942-4949, 2018.

  39. A. Kuntz, C. Bowen, C. Baykal, A. W. Mahoney, P. L. Anderson, F. Maldonado, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “Kinematic Design Optimization of a Parallel Surgical Robot to Maximize Anatomical Visibility via Motion Planning,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 926-933, 2018.

  40. M. E. Poorman, Y. Chen, R. J. Webster III, E. J. Barth, and W. A. Grissom, “MR Imaging Simulator and Optimized Multi-echo Z-shimmed Sequence for Temperature Mapping Near Metallic Ablation Probes,” In 26th Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2018.

  41. J. M. Ferguson, L. Y. Cai, A. Reed, M. Siebold, S. De, S. D. Herrell III, and R. J. Webster III, “Toward Image-Guided Partial Nephrectomy with the da Vinci Robot: Exploring Surface Acquisition Methods for Intraoperative Re-Registration,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2018.

  42. R. Odenbach, Y. Chen, S. Sengupta, R. J. Webster III, E. J. Barth, and M. Friebe, “3D-printed Z-frame marker for MRI-guided interventions,” In CURAC, 2017.

  43. A. W. Mahoney, P. L. Anderson, F. Maldonado, and R. J. Webster III, “More Ports = Less Invasive? A Multi-Needle Robot for Lung Ablation,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2017.

  44. A. Kuntz, A. W. Mahoney, N. E. Peckman, P. L. Anderson, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “Motion Planning for Continuum Reconfigurable Incisionless Surgical Parallel Robots,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 6463-6469, 2017.

  45. M. F. Rox, R. J. Hendrick, S. D. Herrell, and R. J. Webster III, “An Experimental Comparison of Two User Interface Designs for a Hand-Held Surgical Robot,” In Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2017.

  46. T. L. Bruns and R. J. Webster III, “An Image Guidance System for Positioning Robotic Cochlear Implant Insertion Tools,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 10135, pages 199-204, 2017.

  47. Y. Chen, I. S. Godage, S. Sengupta, C. Liu, K. D. Weaver, E. J. Barth, and R. J. Webster III, “An MRI-compatible Robot Steerable Needle for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Removal,” In Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2017. 3 in 5 competition, 3rd place.

  48. Y. Chen, M. E. Poorman, D. B. Comber, E. B. Pitt, C. Liu, I. 8. Godage, H. Yu, W. A. Grissom, E.J. Barth, and R. J. Webster III, “Treating Epilepsy via Thermal Ablation: Initial Experiments with an MRI-Guided Concentric Tube Robot,” In Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2017.

  49. S. Narasimhan, J. A. Weis, I. 8. Godage, R. J. Webster III, K. D. Weaver, and M. I. Miga, “Development of a Mechanics-Based Model of Brain Deformations during Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2017.

  50. S. Lin, L. Fichera, M. J. Fulton, and R. J. Webster III, “Don’t Get Burned: Thermal Monitoring of Vessel Sealing using a Miniature Infrared Camera,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 10135, pages 101350Y-101350Y-7, 2017.

  51. A. Kuntz, P. J. Swaney, A. Mahoney, R. H. Feins, Y. Z. Lee, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “Toward Transoral Peripheral Lung Access: Steering Bronchoscope-deployed Needles through Porcine Lung Tissue,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, pages 9-10, 2016.

  52. P. S. Wellborn, P. T. Russell, and R. J. Webster III, “Can Coffee Improve Surgical Robot Accuracy?” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, pages 70-71, 2016.

  53. E. B. Pitt, P. J. Swaney, H. B. Gilbert, Y. Chen, R. J. Webster III, and E. J. Barth, “Enabling Helical Needle Trajectories with Minimal Actuation: A Screw-Based Approach to Concentric 1be Needle Deployment,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, pages 56-57, 2016.

  54. A. W. Mahoney, P. L. Anderson, P. J. Swaney, F. Maldonado, and R. J. Webster III, “Reconfigurable Parallel Continuum Robots for Incisionless Surgery,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 4330-4336, 2016.

  55. N. P. Dillon, L. Fichera, P. S. Wellborn, R. F. Labadie, and R. J. Webster III, “Making Robots Mill Bone More Like Human Surgeons: Using Bone Density and Anatomic Information to Mill Safely and Efficiently,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 1837-1843, 2016.

  56. A. A. Remirez and R. J. Webster III, “Endoscopes and Robots for Tight Surgical Spaces: Use of Precurved Elastic Elements to Enhance Curvature,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 9786, 2016.

  57. A. Mahoney, T. Bruns, P. .J. Swaney, and R. J. Webster III, “On the Inseparable Nature of Sensor Selection, Sensor Placement, and State Estimation in Continuum Robots or ’Where to Put Your Sensors and How to Use Them’” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 4472-4478, 2016.

  58. N. P. Dillon, M. A. Siebold, J. E. Mitchell, J. M. Fitzpatrick, and R. J. Webster III, “Increasing Safety of a Robotic System for Inner Ear Surgery Using Probabilistic Error Modeling Near Vital Anatomy,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, page 97861G, 2016. Young Scientist Award Presented by Siemens, Runner-Up, Robert J. Webster III, Ph.D.

  59. A. Kuntz, L. G. Torres, R. H. Feins, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “Motion Planning for a Three-Stage Multilumen Transoral Lung Access System,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 3255-3261, 2015.

  60. Y. Guo, J. Granna, K. D. Weaver, R. J. Webster III, and J. Burgner-Kahrs, “Comparison of Optimization Algorithms for a Tubular Aspiration Robot for Maximum Coverage in Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2015.

  61. T. A. Travaglini, P. J. Swaney, K. D. Weaver, and R. J. Webster III, “Initial Experiments with the Leap Motion as a User Interface in Robotic Endonasal Surgery,” In IFTOMM International Symposium on Robotics Mechatronics, pages 171-179, 2015.

  62. I. S. Godage, R. Wirz, I. D. Walker, and R. J. Webster III, “Efficient spatial dynamics for continuum arms,” In ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2015.

  63. I. S. Godage, A. A. Remirez, R. Wirz, K. D. Weaver, J. Burgner-Kahrs, and R. J. Webster III, “Robotic Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation: An In-Scanner Approach with Concentric Tube Robots,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robot, and Systems, pages 1447-1452, 2015.

  64. A. A. Ramirez and R. J. Webster III, “A New Continuum Robot with Crossed Elastic Strips: Extensible Sections with Only One Actuator per Section,” In ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2015.

  65. P. J. Swaney, H. B. Gilbert, R. J. Hendrick, 0. Commichau, R. Alterovitz, and R. J. Webster III, “Transoral Steerable Needles in The Lung: How Non-Annular Concentric Tube Robots Can Improve Targeting,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2015. Best Oral Presentation.

  66. R. J. Hendrick, H. B. Gilbert, and R. J. Webster III, “Designing snap-free concentric tube robots: A local bifurcation approach,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2256-2263, 2015.

  67. P. York, P. J. Swaney, H. B. Gilbert, and R. J. Webster III, “A wrist for needle-sized surgical robots,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1776-1781, 2015.

  68. P. J. Swaney, A. Mahoney, A. Remirez, E. Lamers, B. Hartley, R. Feins, R. Alterovitz, and R. J. Webster III, “Tendons, concentric tubes, and a bevel tip: Three steerable robots in one transoral lung access system,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 5378-5383, 2015.

  69. L. G. Torres, A. Kuntz, H. B. Gilbert, P. J. Swaney, R. .J. Hendrick, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “A motion planning approach to automatic obstacle avoidance during concentric tube robot teleoperation,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2361-2367, 2015.

  70. R. Wirz, R. A. Lathrop, I. Godage, J. Burgner-Kahrs, P. T. Russell III, and R. J. Webster III, “Can Coffee Improve Image Guidance?” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2015.

  71. M. A. Siebold, N. P. Dillon, R. J. Webster III, and J. M. Fitzpatrick, “Incorporating Target Registration Error Into Robotic Bone Milling,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, page 94150R, 2015.

  72. R. J. Webster III, “Can We Do da Vinci-Like Surgery With Steerable Needles?” In IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 2014.

  73. R. J. Hendrick, C. R. Mitchell, S. D. Herrell, and R. J. Webster III, “Concentric Tube Robots for Transurethral Prostate Surgery: Matching the Workspace to the Endoscopic Field of View,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2014.

  74. J. Burgner-Kahrs, H.B. Gilbert, .J. Granna, P. .J. Swaney, and R. J. Webster III, “Workspace Characterization for Concentric Tube Continuum Robots,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 1269-1275, 2014. Best Application Paper Finalist, Robert J. Webster III, Ph.D.

  75. R. J. Hendrick, S. D. Herrell, and R. J. Webster III, “A Multi-Arm Hand-Held Robotic System for Transurethral Laser Prostate Surgery,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2850-2855, 2014.

  76. N. P. Dillon, R. Balachandran, A. M. Dit Falisse, G. B. Wanna, R. F. Labadie, T. J. Withrow, J. M. Fitzpatrick, and R. J. Webster III, “Preliminary Testing of a Compact, Bone-Attached Robot for Otologic Surgery,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, page 903614. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014.

  77. D. B. Comber, .J. Slightam, E. J. Barth, V. Gervasi, and R. J. Webster III, “Design and Precision Control of an MR-Compatible Flexible Fluidic Actuator,” In ASME/BATH Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, 2013.

  78. N. P. Dillon, R. J. Webster III, and T. J. Withrow, “Design of a Bone-Attached Robot for Mastoidectomy,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, pages 3-4, 2013.

  79. D. B. Comber, R. J. Webster III, J. Neimat, and E. J. Barth, “Open-Loop Tip Accuracy of an MRI-Compatible Active Cannula Robot,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, pages 112-113, 2013.

  80. J. Burgner, H. B. Gilbert, and R. J. Webster III, “On the Computational Design of Concentric Tube Robots: Incorporating Volume-Based Objectives,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1185-1190, 2013. Best Medical Robotics Paper Finalist.

  81. H. B. Gilbert and R. J. Webster III, “Can Concentric Tube Robots Follow The Leader?” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 4866-4872, 2013.

  82. P. J. Swaney, J. Burgner, R. A. Lathrop, H.B. Gilbert, K. D. Weaver, and R. J. Webster III, “Minimally Invasive lntracerebral Hemorrhage Removal Using An Active Cannula,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 219-224, 2013.

  83. D. P. Losey, P. A. York, P. J. Swaney, J. Burgner, and R. J. Webster III, “A Flexure-Based Wrist for Needle-Sized Surgical Robots,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2013.

  84. J. Burgner, P. .J. Swaney, R. A. Lathrop, K. D. Weaver, and R. J. Webster III, “Robot-Assisted lntracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation: An Experimental Evaluation,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2013.

  85. J. Burgner, H. B. Gilbert, P. J. Swaney, P. T. Russell III, and R. J. Webster III, “Continuum Robots Based on Precurved Nitinol Tubes: Evaluation of a Prototype for Transnasal Skull Base Surgery (Orig Title: ’Kontinuumsroboter auf Basis vorgebogener Nitinolrohrchen: Evaluierung eines Prototypen fiir die Transnasale Schadelbasischirurgie’),” In Annual Meeting of the German Society for Computer and Robot-assisted Surgery, 2012.

  86. L. G. Torres, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “Task-Oriented Design of Concentric Tube Robots using Mechanics-based Models,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 4449-4455, 2012.

  87. D. B. Comber, D. Cardona, R. J. Webster III, and E. J. Barth, “Sliding Mode Control of an MRI-Compatible Pneumatically Actuated Robot,” In Fluid Power e3 Motion Control Symposium, pages 283-293, 2012.

  88. P. J. Swaney, J. M. Croom, J. Burgner, H. B. Gilbert, D. C. Rucker, P. T. Russell III, K. D. Weaver, and R. J. Webster III, “Design of a Quadramanual Robot for Single-Nostril Skull Base Surgery,” In ASME Dynamic Systems and Control, 2012.

  89. H. B. Gilbert, P. J. Swaney, J. Burgner, K. D. Weaver, P. T. Russell III, and R. J. Webster III, “A Feasibility Study on the use of Concentric Tube Continuum Robots for Endonasal Skull Base Tumor Removal,” In Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2012.

  90. J. L. Gorlewicz and R. J. Webster III, “A Formal Assessment of the Haptic Paddle Laboratories in Teaching System Dynamics,” In American Society of Engineering Education, 2012. Best Paper, Mechanical Engineering Division.

  91. H. Su, D. Cardona, W. Shang, A. Camilo, G. A. Cole, D. C. Rucker, R. J. Webster III, and G. S. Fischer, “A MRI-Guided Concentric The Continuum Robot with Piezoelectric Actuation: A Feasibility Study,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1939-1945, 2012. Best Medical Robotics Paper Finalist.

  92. M. S. Clark, J. Burgner, P. J. Swaney, and R. J. Webster III, “Manual Active Cannula Deployment: Experimental Accuracy Evaluation in Free Space,” In Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2012.

  93. D. B. Comber, D. Cardona, R. J. Webster III, and E. J. Barth, “Precision Pneumatic Robot for MRI-Guided Neurosurgery,” In Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2012. Best Paper/Poster (3 in 5 Competition).

  94. P. J. Swaney, J. Burgner, T. 8. Pheiffer, D. C. Rucker, H. B. Gilbert, J. E. Ondrake, A. L. Simpson, E. C. Burdette, M. I. Miga, and R. J. Webster III, “Tracked 3D Ultrasound Targeting with an Active Cannula,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012.

  95. A. L. Simpson, J. Burgner, I. Chen, T. 8. Pheiffer, K. Sun, R. C. Thompson, R. J. Webster III, and M. I. Miga, “Intraoperative Brain Resection Cavity Characterization with Conoscopic Holography,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012.

  96. P. Foroughi, J. Burgner, M.A. Choti, R. J. Webster III, G.D. Hager, and E. M. Boctor, “Towards Intra-operative Monitoring of Ablation Using Tracked 3D Ultrasound Elastography and Internal Palpation,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 8320, 2012.

  97. J. Burgner, P. .J. Swaney, D. C. Rucker, H. B. Gilbert, 8. T. Nill, P. T. Russell III, K. D. Weaver, and R. J. Webster III, “A Bimanual Teleoperated System for Endonasal Skull Base Surgery,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 2517-2523, 2011.

  98. D. C. Rucker and R. J. Webster III, “Deflection-Based Force Sensing for Continuum Robots: A Probabilistic Approach,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 3764-3769, 2011.

  99. J. Burgner, S. D. Herrell, and R. J. Webster III, “Toward Fluoroscopic Shape Reconstruction for Control of Steerable Medical Devices,” In ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, pages 791-794, 2011.

  100. C. L. Glisson, R. E. Ong, A. L. Simpson, J. Burgner, R. A. Lathrop, R. J. Webster III, and R. L. Galloway, “Registration Methods for Gross Motion Correction During Image-Guided Kidney Surgery,” In International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, volume 6(81), pages 160-161, 2011.

  101. J. L. Toennies, .J. Burgner, T. J. Withrow, and R. J. Webster III, “Toward Haptic/Aural Touchscreen Display of Graphical Mathematics for the Education of Blind Students,” In World Haptics Conference, pages 373-378, 2011.

  102. T. L. Bruns, J. M. Tucker, D. C. Rucker, P. J. Swaney, E. M. Boctor, E. C. Burdette, J. Burgner, and R. J. Webster III, “Design of an Autoclavable Active Cannula Deployment Device,” In Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2011.

  103. D. C. Rucker and R. J. Webster III, “Computing Jacobians and Compliance Matrices for Externally Loaded Continuum Robots,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 945-950, 2011.

  104. R. Balachandran, J. E. Mitchell, J. H. Noble, D. Schurzig, G. S. Blachon, T. R. McRackan, R. J. Webster III, B. M. Dawant, J. M. Fitzpatrick, and R. F. Labadie, “Insertion of electrode array using percutaneous cochlear implantation technique: a cadaveric study,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2011.

  105. L.B. Kratchman, M. M. Rahman, .J. R. Saunders, P. J. Swaney, and R. J. Webster III, “Toward Robotic Needle Steering in Lung Biopsy: A Tendon-Actuated Approach. In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2011.

  106. J. L. Toennies, G. Ciuti, B. F. Smith, A. Menciassi, P. Valdastri, and R. J. Webster III, “Toward Tetherless Insufflation of the GI Tract,” In Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pages 1946-1949, 2010.

  107. D. C. Rucker, B. A. Jones, and R. J. Webster III, “A Model for Concentric Tube Continuum Robots Under Applied Wrenches,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1047-1052, 2010.

  108. D. Schurzig, R. F. Labadie, A. Hussong, T. S. Rau, and R. J. Webster III, “A Force Sensing Automated Insertion Tool for Cochlear Electrode Implantation,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3674-3679, 2010.

  109. L. A. Lyons, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “Planning Active Cannula Configurations Through Tubular Anatomy,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2082-2087, 2010.

  110. R. A. Lathrop, D. C. Rucker, and R. J. Webster III, “Guidance of a Steerable Cannula Robot in Soft Tissue Using Preoperative Imaging and Conoscopic Surface Contour Sensing,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 5601-5606, 2010.

  111. E. C. Burdette, D. C. Rucker, P. Prakash, C. J. Diederich, J. M. Croom, C. Clarke, P. J. Stolka, T. Juang, E. M. Boctor, and R. J. Webster III, “The ACUSITT Ultrasonic Ablator: The First Steerable Needle with an Integrated Interventional Tool,” In Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 2010.

  112. J.M. Croom, D. C. Rucker, J.M. Romano, and R. J. Webster III, “Visual Sensing of Continuum Robot Shape Using Self-Organizing Maps,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 4591-4596, 2010.

  113. E. M. Boctor, P. Stolka, H. Kang, C. Clarke, D. C. Rucker, J.M. Croom, E. C. Burdette, and R.J. Webster III, “Precisely Shaped Acoustic Ablation of Tumors Utilizing Steerable Needle and 3D Ultrasound Image Guidance,” In Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging, 2010.

  114. D. Schurzig, Z. W. Smith, D. C. Rucker, R. F. Labadie, and R. J. Webster III, “A Manual Insertion Mechanism for Percutaneous Cochlear Implantation,” In Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2010. Best Paper/Poster (3 in 5 Competition).

  115. J. Das, D. C. Rucker, and R. J. Webster III, “A Testbed for Multi-Lumen Steerable Needle Experiments,” In Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2010.

  116. L.A. Lyons, R. J. Webster III, and R. Alterovitz, “Motion Planning for Active Cannulas,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 801-806, 2009.

  117. D. C. Rucker and R. J. Webster III, “Mechanics of Bending, Torsion, and Variable Precurvature in Multi-Tube Active Cannulas,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2533-2537, 2009.

  118. R. A. Lathrop, T. T. Cheng, and R. J. Webster III, “Conoscopic Holography for Image Registration: A Feasibility Study,” In SPIE Medical Imaging, volume 7261, 2009.

  119. M. Matinfar, R. J. Webster III, L. Ford, I. Iordichata, C. C. Edwards II, and R. H. Taylor, “Nerve Tensiometer for Spondyloptosis Surgery,” In IEEE Northeast Bioengineering Conference, pages 1-2, 2009.

  120. D. C. Rucker and R. J. Webster III, “Mechanics-Based Modeling of Bending and Torsion in Active Cannulas,” In IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, pages 704-709, 2008.

  121. R. J. Webster III, J. M. Romano, and N. J. Cowan, “Kinematics and Calibration of Active Cannulas,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3888-3895, 2008.

  122. M. Quirini, R. J. Webster III, A. Menciassi, and P. Dario, “Design of a Pill-Sized 12-legged Endoscopic Capsule Robot,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1856-1862, 2007.

  123. Ng Pak, R. J. Webster III, A. Menciassi, and P. Dario, “Electrolytic Silicone Bourdon Tube Microactuator for Reconfigurable Surgical Robots,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3371-3376, 2007.

  124. J. M. Romano, R. J. Webster III, and A. M. Okamura, “Teleoperation of Steerable Needles,” In International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 934-939, 2007.

  125. R. J. Webster III, A. M. Okamura, and N. J. Cowan, “Toward Active Cannulas: Miniature Snake-Like Surgical Robots,” In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 2857-2863, 2006. Best Paper Award Finalist.

  126. R. J. Webster III, J. Memisevic, and A. M. Okamura, “Design Considerations for Robotic Needle Steering,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3599-3605, 2005.

  127. E. M. Boctor, R. J. Webster III, M. A. Choti, R. H. Taylor, and G. Fichtinger, “Robotically Assisted Ablative Treatment Guided By Freehand 3D Ultrasound,” In Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, pages 503-508, 2004.

  128. T. E. Murphy, R. J. Webster III, and A. M. Okamura, “Design and Performance of a Two-Dimensional Tactile Slip Display,” In Eurohaptics, pages 130-137, 2004.

  129. E. M. Boctor, R. J. Webster III, H. Mathieu, A. M. Okamura, and G. Fichtinger, “Virtual Remote Center of Motion Control for Needle Placement Robots,” In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, volume 2878, pages 157-164, 2003.

  130. A. M. Okamura, R. J. Webster III, J. T. Nolan, K. W. Johnson, and H. Jafry, “The Haptic Scissors: Cutting in Virtual Environments,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 828-833, 2003.

  131. R. J. Webster III and A. S. Brannon, “The Electronic Ball Boy: A Reactive Visually Guided Mobile Robot For the Tennis Court,” In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2054-2059, 2002.

Conference Papers